Thank you for supporting artists
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Like the gifted young musicians we train, LAMP is propelled by passion and ambition. And like them, we are driven to realize our boundless potential. Offering music instruction at the highest possible level; ensuring our training is accessible to the young artists who deserve this opportunity; diversifying our local economy through arts and culture; and sharing the wealth of talent passing through our doors with people of all ages and walks of life – these are LAMP’s goals. Your support means LAMP can continue to provide stellar programming for extraordinary artists wishing to step back into the spotlight and bring their own unique artistry to the world.
There are so many ways you can make a difference by choosing to support LAMP.
For more information or to connect and make arrangements for your gift, please contact us. Thank you for making LAMP a part of your planned giving!
As a registered charity operating on a balanced budget, with only a quarter of our annual revenue coming from government, we rely on the generosity of private donors and corporate sponsors who share our passion. Our success in attracting philanthropic investment has a direct impact on our ability to engage the top international artists who characterize our faculty, and recruit and train our most gifted young musicians. Donations of any size are always appreciated, and tax receipts are issued for every donation over $25