Everyone has questions
Here’s a good place to find some answers.
For artists
+ Where can I find information about upcoming academies?
Click the "Programs" link at the top of the page, and choose the type of academy you're interested in. Or click right here.
+ How do I apply to take part in a LAMP academy?
To apply for any of LAMP’s Academies and Residencies, please submit our online application form. All applications need to include a motivational letter, current curriculum vitae and a letter of reference from current or most recent teacher/coach, as well as any recent audio/visual files you might have, preferably a recent unedited video performance of two contrasting works. Please refer to the program page for any additional requirements. Fellowship Applications require a different application form.
+ What are the minimum requirements to be accepted at LAMP?
Typically speaking, a bachelor degree in music is required to be accepted to study at Lamp, however exceptional young undergrads are accepted from time to time. The average age to the young and emerging artists at Lamp is 26 years old; the average level of education is at masters level.
+ What if I have missed the deadline?
While we typically have application deadlines listed our website, we will continue accepting artists until academies are full.
+ Can I attend one of the LAMP academies virtually?
At this point in time, all of LAMP's academies are in person. We are not accepting artists who are not able to attend Lunenburg.
+ I’m older than your typical artist, can I still come to LAMP?
The average age of the artist coming to LAMP is 26, though if you are older than that it does not necessarily mean you cannot come! Please contact us for more information.
+ I have a student who is not yet at the level of your emerging artists but shows great potential. Are there ways he/she can participate at LAMP?
The average level of education at LAMP would be an artist nearing completion of their Masters degree. Having said that, exceptional undergrads have been accepted to study at LAMP. If you fit that bill, please contact us to discuss your options.
+ Does LAMP offer any scholarships or bursaries?
Yes, LAMP does have limited funds available for scholarships & bursaries available for gifted young artists in need of financial assistance. If you have a financial need and would like to speak with us regarding an application for funding assistance, please contact us.
+ Where will I stay in Lunenburg?
For those who require billeted accommodation, LAMP staff will make their very best effort to find you a volunteer host, but we're unable to guarantee that this will always be possible. Many of our volunteer hosts are located outside of the town limits, and so we are also unable to guarantee you will be within walking distance of the Lunenburg Academy.
If billeted accommodation is not possible or not your preferred style of accommodation, our office can provide you with a list of accommodation partners here in town and you can book accommodation directly through them.
If your accommodation is not within walking distance, transportation options to/from LAMP include lifts from other participating artists, taxies, and lifts from LAMP staff within business hours. Once the office has closed for the day, LAMP staff will no longer be available to help with transportation, so you will have to rely on other participating artists or taxis. There is also a bicycle, helmet & light available for your use.
+ Is accommodation included in my tuition?
Unless specified, accommodation is not included in your tuition.
+ How much will my accommodation cost?
Billeted accommodation comes at no cost. How much your commercial accommodation will cost depends upon when you will be at LAMP, where you choose to stay, and how long you will stay. Please contact us to discuss your options.
+ How will I get to Lunenburg?
Artists are responsible for booking their own travels to Lunenburg. Most commonly, artists fly to the Halifax airport then make their way to Lunenburg from there. You can also take a train to the Halifax train station, or drive directly to Lunenburg, depending on where you're travelling from.
Once in Halifax, LAMP staff will make their very best effort to find transportation for you to and from the Halifax airport and/or train station, but we're unable to guarantee that this will always be possible. If you would like us to arrange a lift, please ensure you arrive between 10am and 7pm as most of our volunteer drivers do not like to drive after dark.
If a volunteer driver is not available to pick you up and/or drop you off at the airport/train station, you will be responsible for arranging your transportation to and/or from Lunenburg. There are taxis as well as a shuttle and the Maritime Bus that travel from Halifax to Lunenburg on a regular basis. The bus route to Lunenburg is in operation every second day, and you can find more information or book a ticket at the following link: Maritime Bus.
If you would prefer to take a taxi, or a taxi is the only transportation option available on the day of your arrival, we recommend that you book a Lunenburg taxi in advance of your arrival to help reduce the cost of your travels. You're welcome to email LAMP at admin@lampns.ca if you would like us to provide you with a few Lunenburg taxi options.
+ English is not my first language – can I still come to LAMP?
Language is not a barrier at LAMP – regardless of your first language, your application is welcome.
+ Can I audit any of the academies at LAMP?
Yes, all of the LAMP academies can be audited. The cost to audit is $150 per week.
+ Does LAMP offer year-round residencies?
LAMP offers a variety of residencies depending on time of year and your needs. Please contact us to discuss.
+ I’ve been accepted; what happens next?
Once you are accepted to attend LAMP you will receive an email from Student Services requesting a deposit and that you complete a registration form, and providing you with information regarding your academy, tuition, accommodation, travel, etc. Feel free to reach out to directly if you have any questions.
+ How can I pay my deposit?
You can pay via e-transfer, cheque, cash or by using a credit card online. PayPal is also an option - please let us know if you would like us to issue a PayPal invoice.
+ How can I pay the balance of my tuition?
The balance of your tuition can be paid by e-transfer, cheque, cash or with a credit card. PayPal is also an option - please let us know if you would like us to issue a PayPal invoice.
+ Is LAMP a Designated Educational Institution?
LAMP is currently looking into becoming a DEI in Nova Scotia.
+ Can I apply for a federal or provincial student loan or use an RESP to pay for the cost of attending LAMP?
Until such time as LAMP becomes a Designated Educational Institution, LAMP does not qualify for payment through student loans and/or RESP.
+ Do I need a Student Visa to come to LAMP?
If you are attending LAMP for a two-week academy, student visas are not required. If you are coming for a longer residency, please contact LAMP and we will help guide you through any immigration matters
+ What is a 'fully supported program'?
A fully supported program is something completely covered—no cost to artists for tuition, room, or travel.
+ Do I need medical/travel insurance?
If you are coming from outside of Canada you WILL need medical insurance. Travel insurance is highly recommended, though not essential. Artists coming to LAMP from within Canada should check with their provincial medical coverage to ensure they will be covered while in Nova Scotia.
For Patrons
+ I know someone who would really enjoy your concerts but can’t afford a ticket. Do you offer any free concerts?
Part of our outreach at Lamp is to provide A Little Light Music – our free weekly performances at Lamp. While these performances have been limited during the pandemic, we do hope to start them up again soon. Please visit our concert page for information on our upcoming free performances. [link]
+ Is there a seniors discount on concert tickets?
No, there isn’t. However, everyone at Lamp is committed to sharing the incredible talents that come through our doors and making great performance as accessible as possible. For this reason, all of Lamp’s outreach programming, including our work in schools, nursing homes and our public series A Little Light Music, is offered free of charge. In the case of ticketed concerts, we offer free tickets to youth 18 and under and also have donors who will underwrite ticket costs so that those with financial limitations can still attend. Because people may be reluctant to ask about these programs, we encourage friends and neighbours to please do so on their behalf. We can most often make a prepaid ticket appear!
+ Where can I find information about the upcoming performances?
We keep an updated list of all of our performances [link to page], and as well on our social media pages. You can also sign up for our newsletter and receive news about upcoming performances right in your inbox! [link to sign up]
+ Is Lamp having live performances?
Yes! Throughout much of the pandemic, Lamp has been able to hos live, reduced capacity audiences in our concert hall.
+ Do you offer student prices on concert tickets?
Yes! Up to ten university and college students can attend any Lamp concert (with the exception of gala fundraiser events) for only $10 each. Please note you will be asked to show your school ID.
+ Do you offer children's rates on concert tickets?
Yes! Children 18 and under who attend any performance (with the exceptino of gala fundraiser events) with a paying adult can attend for free. Please note that reservations are required.
+ I would like to support Lamp - how can I do this?
Lamp would not be here without financial support from people just like you. Thank you so much! If you would like to make a one-time donation, please follow this link. If you have something else in mind, please reach out to our General Manager, Anne Fownes.
For Supporters
+ I’d like to make a donation to Lamp to support young and emerging artists; how can I do that?
Without donations from people like you, the gift young artists who attend Lamp would not be able to come. If you would like to make a donation please follow this link, or contact our General Manager Anne Fownes directly to discuss your various options.
+ I would like to make a Tribute Gift to Lamp on behalf of a loved one. How can I make that happen?
Making a tribute in someone's name to a cause they support is a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special event. If you are thinking of making a donation in someone's name, we can help you decide how you can best impact - there are so many options, including providing a bursary for a young artist so that your loved one can meet them and attend their concert. Please contact Anne in our offices to discuss your options.
+ I would like to make a Memorial Gift to Lamp on behalf of a loved one who has passed. How can I make that happen?
Making a gift in memory of a loved one who has passed away is a special way to honour their memory and to express your condolences to their family. A donation to Lamp in memory of a loved one is a very meaningful way to celebrate life while supporting young and emerging artists. Please contact Anne in our offices and she will guide you through the process.
+ I am updating my Will and would like to include Lamp as a beneficiary. Is this possible?
Thank you for considering such a thoughtful gift. Leaving a legacy gift to Lamp is a wonderful way to ensure the music carries on in the Lunenburg Academy Concert Hall. There are so many options for legacy gifts. Please reach out to discuss your options.
+ Does Lamp need volunteers?
Lamp always needs volunteers! If you are interested in helping out, please complete this online application form and we will get in touch!